Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 26 2013, Tu Bhevat Melava Malkah at Beit Bnei Rachel

Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation 5755-5773 Shabbos, January 26 2013 7PM. ..........Buses will leave the Kings Hotel. RSVP 60nis pp., includes transportation. 70 nis on the bus. singles and couples invited. Details: Evelyn Haies 054-224-2649.......... As we celebrated our first RCRF wedding in Beit Bnei Rachel on January 2, 2013 and I am attending a wedding blessed to be and is by our AMEN ceremony on the eighth night of Chanukah, 5773 in Beit Bnei Rachel which hosted about 80 women, let this be our lucky evening. As Tu BShvat is the New Year of the Trees; let this be a "New Year for our Old Israel" reestablishing the midos of Ima Rachel , buried "on the way" to teach us her self sacrificing ways.that are promised to be rewarded. Let this year bring a better year for current families and let us plant new ones. Join us in the renewal process. Remarks by Evelyn Haies, founder and president of Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation 1995-2013 and Bnei Rachel Corp, 2001 on "The 7 R's of Rachel Imeinu" Roots, Remembrance, Rectification, Righteousness, Rights, Responsibility, Redemption. Oh yes, and we will hear the DVD recording by Rabbi Benzion Klatzko, the Keynote Speaker and Actualist Awardee at our 18th Annual Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu October 28, 2012, 11 MarCheshvan the evening before Hurricane Sandy on another R "Relationships." Let this New Year of the Trees be a Renewal and redemption for our relationship with Hashem, Eretz HaKodesh, our family and soulmate. Come join us saying yes for all the best including the fruit of Eretz Yisrael. ................................... If you can't come, your donations will actualize our Ima Rachel dreams and the Redemtion promised. Mail donations to RCRF, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235........... Drop off for RCRF Tu BShevat reservations made payable for expenses to Evelyn Haies Lev Yerushalyim 18 King George St #104. . .

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