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Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu was the main theme of the extravaganza of lectures in Beit Bnei Rachel, the majority RCRF Jewish owned property in the Walled Rachel Tomb Complex,
As the Chofetz Chaim inspired Shmiras Haloshen seminars around the world for a cure-all, Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation, a 501c3 has initiated talks emanating from our Loving Matriarch, Ima Rachel. RCRF has adopted the theme of Derech Eretz as an ongoing effort to develop the midos of Bnei Rachel and bring Torah, truth, unity, empathy and love to the world.
We know Laban had other plans for Yaakov and Rachel who waited seven years to actualize their love. We know both sisters were terrified of being betrothed to Esau, who lusted, terrorized and killed. We know both sisters were part of Hashem’s plan for creation. In unity, the four wives of Yaakov created the 12 tribes of Israel and were mothers of the nation of Israel. We know Yosef’s brothers were off the derech in their actions against him. But, it was G-d’s plan for survival. As Hashem promised Rachel Imeinu who was buried “on the way” to keep Bnei Rachel “on the derech” Bnei Rachel will merit Eretz Hachodesh and Redemption.
Our teacher on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, HaRav Mayer Horowitz, the Bostoner Rebbe of HaNof, was the MC when RCRF dedicated a Sefer Torah on the wide open streets of Beis Lechem in 1998 which is housed in Kever Rachel until this day. As we read our 2nd Sefer Torah dedicated through the Sefer Torah Recycling Network by the Caplan family in 2005, 12 years later in Beit Bnei Rachel, HaRav Mayer Horowitz lit candles remembering his esteemed parents, explained Rosh Chodesh was a festival for women today because of men's sin with the golden calf. Women should not sew nor do heavy work on Rosh Chodesh. In the end of days it would be a festival for both men and women when all come to worship the L-rd. The Kavod shown for his parents and Torah are preliminaries of Derech Eretz. Another teacher, Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller spoke on “Derech Eretz, Personal Refinement”. As the world suffers from “me-ism”, Rebbitzen Heller explained that mitzvahs make a difference, that control limits and, thus, refines in eating, what one wears, how one speaks and acts. Ha Rav Benjamin Levene, grandson of “A Tzaddik in our Time” remembered when we could not come to Kever Rachel as well as when we reclaimed it in 1967. He spoke of when his grandfather Reb Aryeh Levin a”h walked to visit the woman prisoners in Beis Lechem during the time of the British occupation. Geula Cohen wrote that although he couldn’t take us out of prison, he brought freedom to us. One of his greatest traits was respect for people in need even with weaker ways of observance. He never belittled; he saw greatness in their little acts influencing them by moving them in the right derech. He saw Rochel Imeinu as a role model of caring, kindness and a big heart. She was true Derech Eretz. The great storyteller and author of numerous books, Rabbi Hanoch Teller who just released his new book, “Too Beautiful” chose the topic “Derech Eretz – Honorable Mentschen”. He made mention that little considerations mattered. Being late stole time. Writing Thank You Notes made a difference. Rabbi Yonason Alpren said that when you go to a kever, you don’t just go to find a place cry and pray, your go to find the “straight path”, to contemplate the way to wake up, be straight with the Torah application. Caring, sharing, working, striving, persistency, endurance were some of the traits of Rachel and her descendants.
Inspired by the summer events in Beit Bnei Rachel, RCRF has organized its 16th evening to commemorate our Jewish Mother Rachel Imeinu par excellence. Rabbi David Fohrman will be the Keynote Speaker. NYS Assemblyman Steven H Cymbrowitz will receive the Community Leadership Award. Lev and Roza Rifkin will receive the Rachel Imeinu Chessed Award, Rabbi Shimon Golding will receive the Community Service Award. Actualist and Writing Contest Awards will be presented by Malky Grunwald who celebrated the First Bas Mitzvah at Beit Bnei Rachel. Our Sumptuous glatt kosher Buffet Dinner will be catered by New Star Caterers.
RCRF is again sponsoring a Writing Contest: Submit Rachel stories, poems, artwork . the theme is Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu. The deadline is October 10, 2010
Volunteers are need in the US and Israel .
RSVP ASAP as your presence makes a difference and space is limited.
links: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Radio/News.aspx/2440 Live interview with Evelyn Haies.
Elul - The Concept of Avos & Imahos and the Attributes of Rachel Imenu -
Rabbi Leff: Special shiur given at the Israel Center - a reapeat of a shiur given for "Rachel's Children" in the home of Evelyn Haies at Kever Rochel on Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5769
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