Press Release: Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation’s Lecture and Supperette series of the Summer 2011/5771 continues to be an educating and inspiring attraction for English speakers. Evelyn Haies, president and founder of RCRF and majority owner of Beit Bnei Rachel told her amazing story of saving Kever Rachel by writing contests, petitions and non-stop activities. The 163 bus only had four riders and by handing out flyers Evelyn increased the ridership 800%. Before Kever Rachel was encaged. Evelyn, by inviting Rabbis to speak on the bus, the buses filled and overflowed. The dedication of the RCRF Sefer Torah on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 1998 brought over 3,000 and since then Kever Rachel is open 24 hours with a recent exception after 10:30pm now for a few hours. When no one would buy the land, Evelyn was the Nachshon ben Aminadav who put down all the money to purchase Beit Bnei Rachel. It was on Haftorah Behar, when Yirmiyhu, in the pit, and in the midst of a war, bought land. Evelyn made the payment to buy this land just feet from Rachel’s Tomb for RCRF while they were shooting at Gilo. Two other adjoining buildings were purchased with initial and closing funds of RCRF where RCRF is still majority owner and Evelyn is President and Trustee. Private investors shared in the purchase of the latter two properties
Rabbi Chaim Wasserman, President of the Young Israel at Heichal Shlomo, renowned teacher and author, gave an inspiring and informative speech on 19th century Religious Zionists, Rav Yehudah Alkalai (1708-1879) and Rav Zvi Hirsh Kalisher (1795-1874), both advocates and authors who ignited a Jewish nationalism movement sixty years before Theodore Herzl. It was a movement for the return to Torah Judaism together with the reclamation of Eretz Hachodesh. Rabbi Wasserman was presented with a print of the Artwork of 15 year old Malky Grunwald who expressed the deeper meaning of Rachel Imeinu with roots united and intertwined and branches spelling Derech Eretz. Without Unity and Derech Eretz there can be no V Shavu Banim L’Gvulum.
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Klausner gave two informative lectures on Rachel Imeinu, Ruth and Beis Lechem. We learned Rachel went ahead as she was expecting a second child. Benyamin was born on the way, on Derech Efrata, She gave life to the only tribe born in Israel proper. He explained how the Kingdom of David and Jewish leadership originated from Beis Lechem, Rachel, Boaz, Naomi and Ruth. He suggested Shlomo walked in the fields just south of Yerushalayim where his father David wrote the tehillim we say so passionately at Rachel’s Tomb.
Rabbi Efraim Sprecher, Dean of diaspora Yeshiva and Lecturer at the OU Israel Center gave a post 17th of Tammuz lecture on Anger Management. Because of anger and hate, the Jewish people went off the derech and suffered the wrath of Hashem. He presented the giving characters of Rachel Imeinu and Benyamin. Rachel gave her
right to be the bride of Yaakov to her sister Leah; Yonaton, descendant of Benyamin, gave his right of kingship to David. Both did not put themselves first but acted for the good of Klal Yisrael.
Rabbi Judge Yitzchak Breitowitz, a lecturer at Ohr Sameach and the OU Israel Center gave an inspiring Rosh Chodesh Av shiur. He spoke of the divisions within the Jewish community and the warring amongst themselves. He quoted Titus as saying, “I don’t have to destroy them because the Jews will destroy themselves.” He presented that there was nothing to be gained in discussing flaws of others and that Jews must fix themselves. He mentioned how Avraham Aveinu stood as a wall against corruption, yet he pleaded for the chance of teshuva for those off the derech; his tent was always open. Love, firmness, tolerance , respect and acceptance were ingredients for spiritual rejew-venation
The educational events continue with socialization while enjoying a healthy home made buffet of delights prepared mostly by Rochelle Eissenstat, the first on the third anniversary of the survival of her family from the bulldozer attack hammering and riding over her Mazda. She says it was definitely the hand of G-d which saved them because of their charity and respect for their parents. Her platters are so sumptuous and she is so generous to continue to host our appetites as we enrich as our minds. There is time afterwards for davening and tehillim.
RCRF is planning its Fall series. We need your help, ideas, donations, preparations. Everyone who attended recommends you bring at least one friend because the RCRF events in Beit Bnei Rachel in the Rachel Tomb Complex are extraordinary, educational and uplifting.
RCRF thanks everyone for participating. The rest of the schedule of evening programs via 5PM Egged #163 Bus and starting at 6PM is as follows:
7 av, Sunday, August 7,
“Don’t despair – Hang in there!”
Upcoming debut: ELLEN LAPIDUS STERN:
August 18, 18 Av 6pm
Rosh Chodesh Elul, Tuesday, August 30,
“Rachel Imeinu and the Rosh Hashana Prophecy”
*Weekly classes are continuing since 2003: Wednesdays at 11am until 2pm; 10am Egged #163 Bus:
with Atara Gur, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author and Nechama Sarah G. Nadborny, Author of “The Twelve Tribes of Israel”.
Book your simchas with RCRF in our lovely Reception Center that can accommodate 100
Our most recent event, a festive Bas Mitzvah hosted 80. The participants danced from Kever Rachel blowing a shofar, clapping cymbals and using other instruments.
Donors and Volunteers needed to teach, enhance and translate English to Hebrew in RCRF “Museum of Jewish Aliyah” ©
Contact RCRF 054-224-2649
“Remember, a visit to Israel without going to Kever Rachel is like going home and not visiting your mother.” Evelyn Haies
Save the dates: Details to Follow.
Thursday,October 26, 2011 for a pre Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Day of Learning at Beit Bnei Rachel
Tuesday,November 8, 2011, 11Marcheshvan, 5772, 17th NYCitywide Annual Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
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