Saturday, June 22, 2013

June July Events and 3 Day Symposium

Sunday, 4PM, June 30: Shloshim for our dear friend and supporter Hana Haimowitz Presentation by Atara Gur and friends Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8-10 Symposium Go to link rcrf 5773 official invitation 3 Day Symposium July 8 9 10 2013.doc 6120K View Download Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation 1995-2013 054-224- 2649 Cordially Invites you to Men and Women are Invited to Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Walled Complex via Egged Bus #163 or Car ANNUAL THREE DAY SYMPOSIUM AT RACHEL’S TOMB IN THE HOUSE OF RACHEL’S CHILDREN Lectures in Hebrew and English with Translations when Necessary MONDAY JULY 8, 2013 9:00 -11 RABBI YISROEL SHLEIFSTEIN SHIUR AND SEFER TORAH READING in memory of Reuvein Shlomo ben Yeshayahu a'H, the father of Lee Kaplan of Atlanta, Georgia who, with his wife Mindy, are long-time workers and supporters of Israel. 11:AM RABBI DR. NAFTALI MOSES Lecturer on Medical Ethics for Sharei Tzedak School of Nursing Author of “Mourning Under Glass” Book Signing “Memory and Loss. Personal Reflections on the Month of Av “ In Memory of Avraham David HYD, On March 6, 2008, my sixteen-year-old son was killed while studying Torah in the Mercaz HaRav library in Jerusalem. 1-3 PRESENTATION OF CHOFETZ CHAIM DVD "BYSTANDERS" Discussion "Bullying, Bystanders or Upstanders?" Panel EVELYN HAIES of RCRF , RONALD WACHTEL of Kav L'Noar and... 4:PM RABBI EPHRAIM SPRECHER, Dean of Diaspora Yeshiva and OU Lecturer Did the Rabbis’ Humility Cause the Temple’s Destruction? 7:PM MOSHE HEIFETZ Biofeedback Therapist, Dr Lipo Clinic in Givat Shaul Topic: Bringing Balance and Emotional Health Back to the Nervous System Film, Demonstration of Kinor BaLev Harp Within the Heart Technique TUESDAY July 9, 2013 9:30 -11:00 Efrat sponsored Rosh Chodesh Shiur 11-12 RABBI DR. JOSEPH C. KLAUSNER/ Yedidyahu “The Song of Joseph, the Challenge for Judaism Today”: 1PM Panel Discussion Representatives of the Save a Soul Organization: Legal choices of Psychiatric Patients for choice of place and type of treatment. ACMOS System Practitioner SHMUEL KAPLAN- Testing for DNA and Nutrition Compatibility Renowned Psychiatrist and Homeopath RAQUEL SANCHEZ, Director of the Rose Institute, Founder of the Tsomet Iriyat Yerushalayim , for Youths at Risk Torah Presentation on the Three Weeks WEDNESDAY July 10, 2013 10 AM RABBI YISROEL SHLEIFSTEIN Torah Presentation on the Three Weeks 11-1 ATARA GUR, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author. Remembering , Involved in the Present Reflects on the Future HANA HAIMOWITZ, obm AND CHARLOTTE SAUNDERS, obm Hanging of Plaques in their Memory on Our New "Wall of Memory" and Words of Recognition 100 nis per preliminary submission plus cost of future plaque 1:30 PM MEIRA GOLDBART, practitioner of The Journey, visual guided meditation “The Healing Power of Forgiveness” 2:30 PM YAAKOV GOLDBART former professor of law at SW University School of Law, LA "We Can Free Our Economy" 4pm EVELYN HAIES , Founder and President RCRF and Bnei Rachel Inc THE 7 R'S FOR REDEMPTION IN THE MERIT OF RACHEL iMEINU 4:30 Hanna Yaffe Lullabies Composed During the Holocaust 5:30 PM SEUDA AND SINGLES SHIURIM: RABBI YISROEL SHLEIFSTEIN: RELATIONSHIPS: A TORAH STUDY.