Monday, July 22, 2013
Watch Documentary on Channel 10 JUly 21 , 9pm by Yitzchak Lerner "Holy Blood": Kever Rachel
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Summer 2013 events; Please email your suggestions for time slots desired
Men and Women Invited to Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Walled Complex via Egged Bus #163 or Car
RSVP: We welcome queries about a Cohain Minyan on Monday and Thursdays. Also Shabbatons Possible
7R's, Bystanders and Other Midos Issues;
Bring the Children for Biblical Art Sessions.
EVERY WEDNESDAYS IN ENGLISH Requests for Hebrew are possible
11-2 ATARA GUR, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author.
Special Wednesday Evening, July 17, 6PM return 8:30pm
Songs of Comfort and Hope with Moshe Shurin
THURSDAYS supperettes- Jazz Sessions
Special Thursday July 18 return 8:30pm
DVD’s from the Dome of Rachel Tomb and many more
Sunday July 21
Hafrasat Challah with Nurit and Yehudit in Hebrew,
the actions are multi-lingual
The Nineteenth Shemonah Esrei , the nineteenth RCRFCommemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu
The Nineteenth Shemonah Esrei
by Evelyn Haies, Founder and President of Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation and Bnei Rachel, Inc
Save the date October 14, 2013, 11 MarCheshvan, 5754 for the RCRF
19th Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu
It is said that In every korban there is a holiday.
In every prayer, there is a desire for a solution, a plea for Hashem to turn Tisha B'Av which commemorates the destructions into a moed, the fulfillment of a dream. Cheshvan is called a sad month, too. Let us work to correct the problems of heretics to make the month of MarCheshvan a moed because of the "good ideology" of Rachel Imeinu, Mother Israel. .
The nineteenth blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei looks at evil. By examining evil, a solution to that which has plagued and caused grief will be found
As we mourn the Temple destructions on Tisha B'Av, we understand it was caused by brotherly hate. How can there be brotherly hate? How can Joseph's brothers throw him into a pit, wish his death? How? How can Yaakov's sons, the chosen of Rachel do this? How can they plague their home, their unity?
Unless we recognize the plague of jealousy, we will still be mourning.
Rabban Gamliel in Yavneh composed the nineteenth blessing in response to the threats of those who tried to lead the Jews astray. Political power was used to slander, oppress and take what isn't theirs. This blessing against heretics is added to alert the people of the "me-ism" and the bullying of the we's, the brothers against Joseph, the majority against someone so proud of his Judaism, his connection to Hashem, his love of his father Yaakov and the reciprocity of the father for this dedicated, loyal, loving son who chose the higher ways of midos, morality, mission. From recognizing the sin of the brothers, the jealous, the envious, the wanting and takers, the lights of the Jewish nation will bring an aliyah. This nineteenth blessing is read between the blessing for the Restoration of Justice and for The Righteous
Recognizing the wisdom of Rabban Gamliel, crying for the return of the exiles, the pleading of Ima Rachel who put others before herself, a force against me-ism, we-ism, slander, shaming, the Jewish people will stop the plagues attacking them since the destruction . During the three weeks we are meeting with G-d; we are searching for the highest truth, His Emet.
A blessing from the time of sufferings caused within our Beit Hamigdash, the Beis Knessets, our own homes, may open the eyes of all of us for each of us and fulfill the prophesy of Yirmiyahu that Ima Rachel's midos, morality, manners will be rewarded.
Looking into the journey from the korbans to korbans, let the Blessing against Herectics correct the faults and those at fault and recognize their lies and highlight truth. Let us find what is lost from this nineteenth blessing as RCRF commemorates its nineteenth year.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Press Release for 3 Day Symposium July 8, 9, 10, 2013 Your presence wil honor our honorable speakers
Press Release: Dreams Come True; Good Deeds Last Forever
By Evelyn Haies, Founder and President Fachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation and Beit Bnei Rachel, The House of Rachel’s Children . Detailed Info: 054-224-2649 contact This year’s Annual RCRF Three Day Symposium will begin on Rosh Chodesh Av, 8 July 2013. It will begin with the Kaplan Sefer Torah dedicated 7 years after the one celebrated on the closed street in front of Rachel’s Tomb which opened the streets for thousands daily. This success is beyond a dream. It is multiplication of our presence and our 3600 year identity with Ima Rachel, Mother Israel. In the beginning I begged the OU, RCA, Emunah, Havron Fund to visit. Now kindergardens as well as seminaries and even a few birthright tgroups are visiting.” Remember, A visit to Israel without going to Kever Rachel is like going home and not visiting your mother.“ The symposium deals with problems the Jewish Way, suffering, understanding the pain and tears and actualizing the cures with the coaching and guidance of Hashem, with stamina and emunah, with bitachon and rallying together. Monday July 8 will begin with a Torah reading with Cohanim participating as Beit Bnei Rachel is detached from the Kever and ending with a shiur by Rabbi Yisroel Shleifstein on Relationships, the program emphasizes dealing with reality to make a better reality. On Monday at 11am Rabbi DR. Naftali Moses who suffered the loss of his son Avraham David, HYD innocently studying in the library of Merkaz HaRav, of whom he was so proud. He faces the loss speaking on “ Memory and Loss. Personal Reflections on the Month of Av.” He will be signing his book, “Mourning Under Glass.” Let’s keep the memory alive with full participation. Come see the Chofets Chaim video on “Bystanders” A quest for Upstanders will be made. Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher will present on the insightful topic: “Did the Rabbi’s Humility cause the Temples’s Destruction?” At 7 PM Moshe Heifetz, Biofeedback therapist, of Dr. Lipo Clinic in Givat Shaul will speak on bringing balance and emotional health back to the nervous system. There will be a video and demonstration of the Kinor BaLev Harp within the Harp Technique. Tuesday, 9 July will begin with the regular Rosh Chodesh Shiur by the group that began with remembering Sara Blaustein HYd murdered on the way , Shavous 2001 from Kever Rachel while reading tehillim. Rabbi Dr. Joseph C.Klausner / Yedidyahu will give a most intellectual and inspirational talk, “The song of Joseph, the challenge for Judaism for Today.” At 1PM there will be a Panel Discussion including SAVE A SOUL. ACMOS System Practitioner SHMUEL KAPLAN- Testing for DNA and Nutrition Compatibility. A noted Psychiatrist and Homeopath plus RAQUEL SANCHEZ, Director Rose Institute, Founder of the Tsomet Iriyat Yerushalayim , Youths at Risk. Wednesday wil l begin RABBI YISROEL SHLEIFSTEIN Torah Presentation on the Three Weeks. At 11-1 ATARA GUR, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author. Involved in the Present Reflects on the Future. We ask all who knew and loved to join RCRF in Remembering HANA HAIMOWITZ obm and CHARLOTTE SAUNDERS obm. At 1:30 PM MEIRA GOLDBART, practitioner of The Journey, will advise on “The Healing Power of Forgiveness” At 2:30 PM YAAKOV GOLDBART SW University School of Law, LA "We Can Free Our Economy" At 4:pm EVELYN HAIES "THE 7 R'S FOR REDEMPTION IN THE MERIT OF RACHEL IMEINU Continuing with Hanna Yaffe with melodies of the Holocaust.A super buffet will be a 5PM SEUDA AND SINGLES SHIURIM: RABBI YISROEL SHLEIFSTEIN RELATIONSHIPS: A TORAH STUDY.. The program will end by returning via the 8:30 pm Egged Bus. As Ima Rachel cries for us Bnei Rachel, our tears and actions will make her smile again. Beit Bnei Rachel is the place to be so the 9 days shall change losses into gains, sadness into joy, wrong into right and actualize the Redemption with the help of Hashem.
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