Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rachel Imeinu Tehillim Therapy #46 - Inquire to particpate in workshops.

Tehillim Therapy #46
"Hashem is our Coach and our Koach”
by Evelyn Haies
(c)February 23, 2011
We live in a time of trouble, upheaval in our lives and our world
Mountains are weeping tears of hot lava and trees are uprooted and sucked into the sea.
The earth is scorched by lack of rain and forests are burned
Land is washed away in tsunamis and hurricanes,
Cities fall into cracks as the earth quakes, shaken and broken, burying that which it bore,
Rivers rise and cover the ground as high as rooftops
washing away all as they break higher than waves
and many do not escape
the reminders of the times of Noah, mis-guidings and evil doings

We live in a world of trouble, revolutions rage outlandishly in the streets against the outrageous
Evil empires are collapsing even with evil in the chants .
Dictators are banished by the masses they harassed.
Government buildings are fire bombed and chopped just as they chiseled at the Tomb of Joseph.
Hate the Jews, the scapegoat, is the mantra; but the hate is from deprivation
and the jealousy of the Jews
who express kindness and love,
the midos of Avraham and Rachel.

G-d is in the middle of the lashings and bashings,
the ravages of nature and mankind,
the savagery of misfits, the me-its, the made-offs.
The glory is of the Most High
as the world is swooning in the whirlwinds of doom.
He acted to create The Beginning
and now unleashes a painful Re-Awakening

G-d is Our Maker,
the Maker of disasters and desolation,
the Maker of war and peace
He is the Power to shield the earth and mankind
As we remember the givers -
Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov
Sarah, Rivka, Leah and Rachel,
Yosef and Moshe Rabbeinu
As we see the punishments of the fakers, takers, hackers, pirates,
Conquistadors, Crusaders, Inquisitors, Nazis, Jihadists,
a new day is dawning out of the turmoil on the ground and the human poundings and pounded.

Lashings and Bashing are everywhere like cycles of devil-potions, dissolutions;
and then there is silence, re-growth, solution:
appreciation that hate is not the answer,
never was in tune with civilization, the Loving Kind.
Can you hear the exulted music of the Alamos?
He has turned war into peace, swords into plowshares, bombs into blossoms
and there is rejoicing like Purim and nurturing like in the BaMidbar
and He is exalted among all nations.

Rachel Imeinu Event: Purim Seuda with Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher at

60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235 718-648-2610,
Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Complex, Beis Lechem
*Sunday, March 20, 2011, 11am* Megillah Reading. PURIM SEUDA
Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher

"Mother Rachel and Queen Esther,

Most Beloved Heroines in Jewish History"

Register ASAP , 70nis, seuda, costumes

Purim Katan Celebrated in Beit Bnei Rachel.
By Evelyn Haies
Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation hosted refreshments including hamentashen at Beit Bnei Rachel, the RCRF majority owned Jewish property within the Rachel Tomb Walled Complex in Beis Lechem. Evelyn Haies, founder and president of RCRF and Bnei Rachel Corp spoke of her seventeen year mission to present Rachel Imeinu as the Jewish Mother par excellence who is a role model to make Bnei Rachel proud, reclaim her midos and their identity and also be role models for derech eretz. She named the street in front of her houses Derech Chaya Rachel because keeping the ways of our Matriarch Rachel is a life force. The roots of the past are the foundation of the future.
Rabbi Dr. Joseph C. Klausner emphasized Purim Katan as a small holiday which occurs early in Adar Aleph this being a leap year. It is explained as a lesson in concealing and revealing. Redemption is a spiraling process of praying, revealing the cover ups, taking off the masks that conceal truth, reestablishing Jewish identity, reacting in unity to the dangers and acting together for survival of the community, recognizing the anti-Semitic set ups and trusting in the chesed of Hashem, restoring the connection to Hashem, thanking Hashem.
RCRF will be hosting a Purim Shiur and Sueda on Sunday, March 20, in their large Reception Center in Beis Lechem, where Rachel Imeinu died “on the way” giving birth to Benjamin, ancestor of Mordechai and Esther. Please make your reservations early and be part of the simcha when our confusion leads to clarity, when what is behind the masks is revealed and we are on the derech, the pathways for blessings and simcha. Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher will be speaking on “Rachel Imeinu and Esther HaMalkah, Most Beloved Heroines in Jewish History”. This is the place to celebrate our becoming a nation, surviving and redeeming the promises with joy.
V’Shavu Banim l’gvulum.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Series: Tehillim Therapy and February and March 2011 Events

60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235 718-648-2610,
Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Complex, Beis Lechem
Past speakers: HARAV MAYER HOROWITZ, Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller. HaRav Benjamin Levene, Rabbi Hanoch Teller, RABBI Yonasen ALPREN, Rabbi Dr. David Forhman,
Elissa Grunwald, Roy Neuberger, Esther KiTov, Sara Yocheved Rigler, Rabbi Elan Adler , Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
*Evelyn Haies, President RCRF will launch this new program
Repeat by Popular Request : Tuesday, February 8, 2011, new time 14:00pm.
Tehillim Therapy #1: "Mom to Son" based on Tehillim 107 –
New Series 1. Your presemce and input are needed.
Take 1pm Egged Bus #163

*Thursday, FEBRUARY 10, 2011, 11.00am Take 10am Egged Bus #163
TEHILLIM THERAPY #2 "The Song of the Plagues" #91 by Evelyn Haies, Pres. RCRF
*Tuesday, FEBRUARY 15, 2011, 11am* #3"Hashem Ro'i Lo Echsar" #23
Rabbi Dr Raymond Apple, Emeritus Rabbi
of the Great Synagogue, Sydney
Register ASAP for possible Bus at 10am at Inbal Hotel, 50nis, lite refreshments.
*Thursday, FEBRUARY 17, 2011, 11am*Rabbi Dr. Joseph C. Klausner / Yedidyahu -
Purim Katan, Concealing and Revealing
Rachel Imeinu and Esther Hamalka , focusing on BeisLechem and Shushan Habira
Register ASAP for possible Bus at Inbal Hotel, 50nis, lite refreshments.
*Sunday, March 20, 2011, 11am* Megillah Reading. PURIM SEUDA
Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher
"Mother Rachel and Queen Esther,
Most Beloved Heroines in Jewish History"
Register ASAP for possible Bus at 10am at Inbal Hotel, 70nis, lite refreshments.
*Weekly classes in Beit Bnei Rachel
Wednesdays at 11am until 2:pm; Take 101m Egged #163 Bus
Atara Gur, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and author
Nechama Sarah G. Nadborny, Author of “The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Study in the only private Jewish owned houses within theWalled Rachel Tomb Complex
and in Beit Lechem where Ima Rachel died "on the way" to teach Bnei Rachel "Derech Eretz"
and David HaMelech wrote the Tehillim to reconcile with his trials and triumphs.
There will be time for presenting, writing and discussion and saying tehillim in Kever Rachel. .

Your very needed Contributions help us help build Beit Bnei Rachel and our Programs
Book your simchas in our lovely Reception Center that can accomodate 100

Volunteers needed to enhance and translate English to Hebrew
in our RCRF “Museum of Jewish Aliyah” ©