Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation 1995-2012 www.theracheltear.blogspot.com 054-224- 2649 rachelschildren@gmail.com Men and Women Invited to Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Walled Complex, Egged Bus #163 or Car 14th /7th Year ANNIVERSARIES THE RCRF SEFER TORAH FOR KEVER RACHEL 1998 / FOR BEIT BNEI RACHEL 2005 By Evelyn Haies, MFA Founder and President of RCRF and Original and Majority Owner of Beit Bnei Rachel RCRF and it presenters and participants expect a full house for its three day symposium dealing with major issues in the Jewish World. On TUESDAY 6/19/2012 at 9:30 am the program will begin with a group from Efrat who are remembering Sara and their loved ones in a most pleasant atmosphere in a house filled with the ruach of Rachel Imeinu. They were coming to Kever Rachel and Beit Bnei Rachel weekly until recently and now monthly for Rosh Chodesh to hold shiurim in Memory of Sara Blaustein HYD, murdered “on the way”. This is an eleven year tradition. Adena Mark, her daughter will speak about her mother after the shiur. At 11:00am RABBI DR. JOSEPH C. KLAUSNER, YEDIDYAHU will inform us on how “Joshua , Descendant of Rachel and Joseph, restores the Glory of Rachel”: At about 1pm there will be a PRESENTATION OF CHOFETZ CHAIM DVD "BYSTANDERS. " Considering some of the recent tragedies as a result of bullying this is not only a current topic but one that will rectify the sin of self kavod and abusive behavior.. Educators are welcome to view the serious video dealing with the problem of bullying and bystanders. A panel discussion will begin at about 3pm and delve into the problem and the solutions in this most important topic, "Bullying, Bystanders or Upstanders?" EVELYN HAIES of RCRF will present the adult problem. RONALD WACHTEL of Kav L'Noar will present the problem among teenagers. An evening is also being planned. We welcome your input. . On WEDNESDAY 6/20/2012 the program begins when the 9am Egged 163 bus arrives. If there are enough requests we will arrange for shuttles from Tsomet Gilo to the Kever The tsomet can be reached by the #71 or #72 bus from the center of town., You cross the street and wait for a ride at the bus stop on the Kever Rachel side of Hebron Road. Shuttles will be available by registering. 9 -11 we will celebrate the Beit Bnei Rachel SEFER TORAH. This Sefer Torah dedicated in 2005 in memory of Reuvein Shlomo ben Yeshayahu a'H, the father of Lee Kaplan of Atlanta, Georgia. We wish to welcome a cohain minyan so close to Kever Rachel but not attached . 12-1 ATARA GUR, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author who is a regular Wednesday teacher of over eight years will tell you what you don’t already know about Rachel. In the afternoon about 4PM RABBI YITZCHAK BREITOWITZ will lecture on –“Joining Hands/Yadayim/14/Two Visions of Community. ” Egged Bus leaves at 3Pm from Jaffa road, across from the Central Bus Station. At 6pm Rabbi Efraim SPRECHER will develop in his novel way the subject, "Politics and Sinat Chinom: a Deadly Sin.” At 7PM MIRIAM ADAHAN, most popular author and advisor, will advise us about "Staying Sane in an Insane World" THURSDAY 6/21/2012 will be the third day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz symposium . It is the birthday of Josef son of Rachel and Yaakov and also his yahrzeit. . If there are enough men we can arrange for Shacharit and a Rosh Chodesh torah reading. At 10am RABBI SHIMSHON NADEL will inform us about "The Return to Zion in the Days of Ezra & Nechemiah and the Contemporary Return to Zion." AT 11AM ELKAYIM HAETZNI will enlighten us on a very validating topic”Self Affirmation, A shield against defamation.” Between 6PM-10PM DOV SHURIN will present a MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA OF HIS SONGS. There will be a WINE AND CHEESE SUPPERETTE. Evelyn Haies has been organizing conferences since 1995. Her three day conference in Washington DC “Breaking the Silence” dealt with the widest range of issues. it made a difference even though we are still dealing with the problems. This 2012 conference is dealing with issues that will give Klal Yisrael insight and chizuk. Your attendance will make a difference and be a joy. Between noon and 4pm there will be group workshops, open mike and Musical Interludes.Watch for more details. Please register.

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