Monday, October 21, 2013

Press Release. Very Successful RCRF Dinner for Rachel Imeinu Yartzeit Commemoration

Renowned speaker Rabbi Jonathan Rietti paid tribute this week to the Jewish matriarch Rachel Imeinu at the Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation’s 19th Annual Commemoration of her yartzeit. The senior Gateways lecturer, descendant of the Sephardic leader, the BenIsh Chai, and son of the famous British actor Robert Rietti, known as ‘The Man of a Thousand Voices’ and ‘King of the Dubbers’, gave a dramatic presentation on the relationship of Rachel Imeinu to the final geula. He spoke about how SHE, who made such selfless sacrifices on behalf of her sister Leah, will be there for BneiYisroel in those final moments before the final redemption, pleading with Hashem on their behalf. The lecture was but one of the highlights at the RCRF’s Annual Gala Dinner Commemorating Rachel Imeinu’sYartzeit on the 11th of MarCheshvan 5774 at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center in Brooklyn. The non-profit organization, which successfully lobbied the Knesset for armored buses to Rachel’s tomb on the outskirts of Bethlehem, also donated two sifreitorah to Kever Rachel, and eventually bought the building next door to the tomb, naming it BeitBnei Rachel. There it runs a Women’s Learning Center, Lecture Series, Simcha Hall, and Aliya Museum. At the fundraising dinner, which helps pay for RCRF’s activities at BeitBnei Rachel, the organization’s founder, Evelyn Haies, paid tribute to a host of honorees. Rabbi YechezkelPikus, the executive director of COJO of Flatbush, was honored with the Community Chessed Award, presented by longtime community activist Chaim Deutsch. Mitchell Shapiro, Esq, an award-winning lawyer, who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation, was honored with the Rachel Imeinu Activist Award. The late Andrea Hana Haimowitz, who had been a longtime participant, and organizer of RCRF’s events at Kever Rachel, was honored posthumously for her work on behalf of the organization. Her mother, father, and brother accepted the Rachel Imeinu Memorial Recognition Award in her stead in what turned out to be a very moving ceremony. Other honorees included Mark Langfan, Esq.Chairman of AFSI , was introduced by Helen Freedman. He designed maps to present the Greater Israel necessity and legality. Stephen and Fran Epstein, a Brooklyn couple who built a Zionist Museum at Brooklyn’s Kingsway Jewish Center. The Young Leadership Award went to Esther Lamm, daughter of Russian refusniks, who is now the Director of Development at RAJE, where she is active building a strong alumni base and community for young Russian Jews. *****The Gala Buffet Dinner was capped off with a Jewish Mother’s Day Dessert Buffet, featuring an enormous Kever Rachel cake, and a very spirited kumzitz with radio host Dov Shurin, who roused the crowd with his electric guitar, singing lively songs about Rachel Imeinu, and of course, a crowd favorite, “Am Yisroel Chai”. *****Tax-deductible donations to Rachel’s Children Reclamation Foundation can be made to RCRF, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235. RCRF founder Evelyn Haies can be reached at Donations make sure no one is turned away from celebrating their Bas Mitzvah, wedding, sheva brachos, britmilah, birthday, anniversary, memorial lecture, Rosh Chodesh shiurim, hafrashat challah classes, amen sessions, singles meet and mingle, open mike session sing ins and speak outs, tehillim therapy, art classes, and more at BeitBnei Rachel, inside the Kever Rachel’s Tomb Walled Complex.


  1. see for pictures...
    see MVI_7213.MOV for Dov singing for Ima Rachel
    see Holy Blood Documentary by Channel 10 July 21

  2. The Rachels Children Reclamation Foundation
    60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235,,, 718-648-2610
    presents the first New York showing of the documentary Dom Kodesh, Holy Blood directed and produced by Itzkak Lerner. The Documentary was first presented on July 21 2013 on Channel 10, Israel...................................... It had wide public viewing. It tells the story of Rachel’s Tomb, Beis Lechem. It begins with the problems and ends with the song, “We are Rachel’s Children” written in 1995 by Evelyn Haies, Music by Cecelia Margules. It presents the hate and goes for the good to prevail. Two years in the creation; It captures the scenes, the ruach and the conflict and presents for a cure in the merit of Rachel Imeinu. It is a must see. It is also available for your organization or home showing by contacting RCRF, Evelyn Haies. .................................................................. There is no fee for the November 2 2013 Motsei Shabbos showing in Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235 at 8:30 pm., Light refreshments.
    Your donations support our work in Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachels Tomb Walled Complex and make sure no one is turned away from celebrating their Bas Mitzvah, wedding, sheva brochas, brit milah, birthday, anniversary, memorial lecture, Rosh Chodesh shiurim, hafrassat challah, amen sessions, singles meet and mingle, open mike session sing ins and speak outs, tehillim therapy, art classes, more...........................................................................................

    Save the Date: November 2 2013, 5774
    Location: Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235
    Time: 8:30 PM
    .................................................................................................Event is sponsored by Evelyn Haies in memory of the 30th Yahrzeit, 28 MarCheshvan of her father Samuel Solomon,a”h Let this evening be an aliyah for Shaul ben Reb Chaim Azriel and Rachel Rabinowitz Solomon daughter of HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz
